• Pre-payment (in case of advance invoice exposure)
You find all necessary informations for payment in advance invoice. Goods will be dispatched to you after
payment of amount on advance invoice. Our bank account no.:
VUB a.s. Bratislava Slovensko,
IBAN: SK4802000000003758756358, BIC: SUBASKBX
• Paypal – invoice surcharge + 3,7 % of theorder value!
The Seller does not receive informations about your payment card via PayPal. You enter information about
card only once, when you are opening your PayPal account. All your on-line purchases are then executed
through „middleman“, which is the PayPal.
You enter a number of payment card on PayPal but the seller receives only the payment, not informations
about the card. Anytime, you want to pay for goods or services on-line, click on the payment via PayPal and
you will be redirected to Your PayPal account, where you confirm the payment and the money will be then
transferred from card via PayPal to the seller. Our shop enables you to pay via PayPal:
• Bank transfer
In case of payment by bank transfer, execute a payment according to invoice to our account no:
VUB a.s. Bratislava Slovensko,
IBAN: SK4802000000003758756358, BIC: SUBASKBX
The payment of advance invoice should be performed within 9 days, otherwise on 10th day the advance invoice and the order will be automatically cancelled.
Please bear in mind!
The order processing starts immediatelly when:
Payment in advance – after the full payment of invoice is received on our account and bokked into our ERP-system, not earlier
Payment on invoice – if there are invoices which are overdue, they should be paid on our account and bokked into our ERP-system, not earlier